關於我們 About us
Wing Ying Trading Limited established in 2007 is a company servicing all market sector of the Metal Industry globally. In 2018, we have set up Wing Ying Non-ferrous Trading Limited and operate a new copper rod manufacturing line in Malaysia which co-operate with Ta Win Holdings BHD and Full Dragon Electric (Guang Dong) Company LTD. Now we produce around 2,000 tons copper rod per month and our target to produce around 5,000 tons per month in future.
永盈商貿有限公司成立於2007年,主要經營世界各地的五金貿易。當中包括鍚、鉛、銅、鋁、合金鈴、電線、馬達、電池等等。 於2018年10月,我司成立了永盈有色金屬有限公司,並和馬來西亞大穩控股有限公司及中國廣東富龍有限公司達成合作協議。於馬來西亞設廠房生產銅杆,目前每用生產約2,000噸,目標之後每月生產量可達至5,000噸。
Wing Ying Trading Limited established in 2007 is a company servicing all market sector of the Metals Industry globally.
